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Iowa State Online celebrates launch

Iowa State Online celebrates launch

Introducing the latest addition to Iowa State University’s educational landscape: Iowa State Online. The launch of Iowa State Online on January 3, 2023, demonstrates a significant step forward in the university’s approach to online learning.

“Iowa State Online represents a transformative educational approach, offering accessibility, quality, and convenience to learners in Iowa and beyond,” said inaugural director Susan Arendt.

This new support unit within the university’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) centralizes online education and delivery expertise, bringing together various academic units into one comprehensive service center. “This reimagining of online education delivery became a reality at the beginning of this year, ushering in a new era of educational possibilities, including undergraduate and graduate programs, certifications, and professional development opportunities,” said Arendt.

As a support organization for colleges and departments, Iowa State Online helps with marketing and branding efforts, student services, and new online program development. Faculty members and professionals in marketing, communications, student services and professional development have been assembled and will be built out over this year to ensure top-notch experiences for students.

Iowa State Online’s goals for innovation and growth in online learning include harnessing Iowa State’s unique strengths to address the needs of students and employers and developing a cohesive brand that will heighten awareness of Iowa State’s online programs.

By placing Iowa State Online under the CELT umbrella, Iowa State University has created a more conducive environment for faculty and staff to develop high-quality online courses. This, in turn, translates to an enhanced learning environment for both students and instructors. Iowa State’s exceptional faculty will lead online courses with a flexible curriculum that suits students’ busy schedules.

“Iowa State Online’s aspirations extend to serving new markets of students, expanding our online program offerings, and catering to the evolving workforce needs in Iowa,” said Arendt. “Ultimately, Iowa State Online will help students refine their skill sets and support their career growth in a manner that aligns with their individual educational journeys.”

Learn more about Iowa State Online.

Iowa State Online team, January 4th, 2023

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