Iowa State Online Professional Development collaborates with ISU faculty and businesses to design, develop, and deliver short courses/workshops aimed at working professionals.

Faculty, Instructors, or Departments, Research Organizations

  • Convert a credit course into a non-credit short course designed for professionals
  • Host professional development courses locally in a secure learning management system
  • Provide e-commerce services for professional development courses

Businesses and Professional Organizations

  • Jointly design and develop professional development courses
  • Collaborate with subject matter experts from Iowa State University to convert for-credit courses into professional development courses.
  • Work with subject matter experts in your company or organization to develop professional development courses for your specific audience
  • Develop SCORM compliant courses that can be hosted on your in-house learning management system
  • Issue Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Professional Development Hours (PDH) through Iowa State University

Contact Information

Contact for more information.