Systems Engineering – Master’s

Systems Engineering

With a master’s in systems engineering from Iowa State University, extend your ability as an engineer to work across disciplinary boundaries to design complex engineered systems. And enhance your management capabilities so you can become a vital part in today’s working environment.


With a master’s in systems engineering from Iowa State University, you will be able to apply your analytical skills to design, evaluate, and build modern complex engineered systems. Become an engineer who can conceptualize, model, and integrate hardware, software, data, and humans. Be a critical part of technology-driven multi-disciplinary design teams. The Iowa State University Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering Program is designed to train you to excel in the technology-driven design of modern complex engineered systems. The program can be completed online or in residence; part-time or full-time.

Admission Requirements

Graduate College Requirements:

  • 4-year Bachelor’s degree in engineering (or equivalent)
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Proof of English Proficiency

For program specific requirements, visit the Graduate College website.


Total: 30 credits

Time: as few as 3 semesters

Contact Information

Jess Severe
Program Assistant

Gary Mirka
Director of Graduate Education

Iowa State Online


Online Program Details

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